Why is YouTube rejecting my ad? Avoid these 6 contents in your videos

Learn what content you should avoid in your video clips in order to advertise on YouTube



2 minutes of reading


If you pay to advertise (advertise) your video on YouTube but it was rejected, it probably contains content that Google Ads considers inappropriate.

Here we list The 6 contents you should avoid when making a video clip that you want to advertise on YouTube, so that the next one, your ad will be approved without problems.

6 contents to avoid in your video clips

1. Sexual content

Google separates sexual content into two categories:

  • Strictly restricted categories: Nude images and quotes from sexual encounters.
  • Moderately restricted categories: Images of partial nudity, Sexually Themed Quotes, Sexual Products, Sexual Entertainment, Provocative Sexual Elements and Themes.

⚠️ This category is one of the most controlled by Google.

For more info, click here.

2. Consumption of alcoholic beverages

In many countries, advertisements for alcoholic beverages are banned, and Google is quite meticulous with this analysis. It is very common for a video to be classified as “Irresponsible advertising of alcoholic beverages”, so it's best to avoid it.

For more info, click here.

3. Illegal or dangerous products

Google will definitely reject your ad if it contains tobacco, recreational drugs, weapons, or explosives. Just the appearance of a tobacco cigarette in 1 second of the video is enough for it to be rejected.

For more info, click here.

4. References to COVID

Google considers that the COVID-19 Pandemic is a delicate event that cannot be taken commercial advantage of, so it blocks videos that have: Vaccines, masks or masks. It will also detect in text or voice, the use of words such as Coronavirus, COVID and Pandemic.

For more info, click here.

5. Gambling and gambling

Because many countries limit ads about betting and gambling, Google blocks such ads.

That's why, as far as possible, we recommend avoiding this topic at the root if we want to schedule a video clip on YouTube.

If the video clip contains betting or gambling scenes, you can check the List by country of the restrictions on this content. If a country isn't on the list, you can't flag in that country.

For more info, click here.

6. Other inappropriate content

The list of other inappropriate content includes some more obvious content, such as accidents, blood, racism, sexism, conspiracy theories, animal abuse, etc.

For more info, click here.

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